OAAP Texts and Translated Documents
This collection consists of a wide variety of handwritten and printed texts representing history and culture of North, Central, and South America, primarily in the 19th century. Topics include politics, war, medicine, social life, and more.
Our Americas Archive Partnership (OAAP) is a multi-institutional digital humanities project that aims to foster new research examining American literatures and histories from a hemispheric perspective; to develop curricular models and teaching materials that embody a hemispheric approach to the study of the Americas; and to generate professional and intellectual exchanges among scholars from various fields. A collaborative effort between scholars, librarians, and information scientists, OAAP provides an integrated approach to discovering, accessing and using scholarly works that exist in multiple digital repositories. The resulting resource will enable new forms of research as well as new objects of study, supporting an interactive community of scholarly inquiry.
OAAP is a partnership between Rice University's Fondren Library and Humanities Research Center (HRC), the University of Maryland's Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), and the library at Instituto Mora in Mexico. In addition to the support that is provided by the partners, the project is funded by a 2007 National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Some items that are of a higher image quality and are duplicated elsewhere via another institution have been removed from this collection. For a list of those items, please contact woodson@rice.edu.

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